Why Stay with Amazing

Select Locations

At Mainstay, we aim to choose locations and properties that will make your time with us as productive and refreshing as possible.  Our locations are carefully selected to be close to desirable communities and amenities that will make your stay most convenient. 

Fully Furnished

Our units are fully furnished to ensure that they have everything you need to enjoy your stay without having to give up the convenience of having all the amenities of home.

Modern and Clean Properties     

We ensure that our properties are bright, modern and clean.  Our dedicated cleaning staff will ensure that our properties and clean and are move-in ready for you every time.  We furnish our properties with furniture and accessories to make the most of your time away from home so that you will be able to enjoy your stay while you are away.

​Support while you stay

Our team of experienced temporary housing agents is dedicated to providing you with quick answers to all your housing needs and to support you during your stay.